Monday, October 15, 2012

Jake's T-Shirt Quilt

Jake and I are a little weird.
We have a hard time throwing things out,
including clothes. We both have
boxes of t-shirts from our high school
and college years, which we will 
probably never wear again.

So for our anniversary, I turned
Jake's t-shirts into a quilt.

It was quite the project, and I 
couldn't have done it without my mom.
I did all of the cutting, ironing, reinforcing,
purchasing, and designing. She did all 
of the sewing (which was a lot).

I don't think either one of us realized
what a project it was going to be
(good thing I was in Utah for so long!).
But the finished product, and Jake's
excitement, made it all worth it:

It's the perfect blanket for us to snuggle
up with and watch a movie, and I look
forward to doing so for many years.


Unknown said...

totally cool! I love that idea!

Trenda said...

It turned out great! Are you going to make one with your t-shirts now? I guess I am not that sentimental because it never even crossed my mind to save my T-shirts! :)